Your support helps us keep our educational programs going!

To make a donation you may send a check made payable to The Chicago School (memo “NRCI donation”) to:

The Chicago School – California Inc
Attn: Office of Advancement
PO Box 713500
Chicago, IL 60677-4300

OR fill out the form below.

Since its inception, the success of the Naomi Ruth Cohen Institute for Mental Health Education has been built upon people like you coming together to change the conversation about mental health, creating more inclusive communities that rally to provide support to individuals and families struggling with a broad range of mental health issues.

Whether you have attended our annual community mental health conference, previously made a donation, or offered an open heart and listening ear for a family experiencing a mental health crisis-you are helping us to achieve our critical mission. Our programs are made possible only with your help.

One person alone – or even one organization – cannot do the job. That is why the institute collaborates with other organizations to maximize the capacity of your contributions. Together, we create a stronger network of informed citizens who can decrease the harmful effects of stigma.

Your gift will help us reach more people with our vital programs. Together, we can provide individuals and families impacted by mental health challenges with the knowledge, skills, and support that they need to navigate today’s increasingly complex world.

Further your impact by making a planned gift to Naomi Ruth Cohen Institute. Consult your financial advisor and Tracy Levine at NRCI to discuss your giving options.

Thank you in advance for partnering with us to reduce mental health stigma and positively change lives!

The Naomi Ruth Cohen Institute is an Illinois not for profit corporation qualified as an Internal Revenue Service 501(c)(3) charitable organization.