Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly – Proverb
There are many ways to describe Naomi – a loving daughter, caring sister, relative, and a cherished friend to many. She was a gifted artist and designer, as well as a skilled geriatrics counselor who engaged with her community. Naomi was a compassionate and spiritual person, who cared deeply about disadvantaged people and the humane treatment of animals.
In 1998, when she was 30 years of age, Naomi was diagnosed with a terrible, poorly understood illness, Bipolar Disorder. This robbed Naomi of her career, marriage, and much joy that had long defined her nature. Two years later, she died by suicide.
This left a huge hole in the universe and footprints we are trying to follow…
The Naomi Ruth Cohen Charitable Foundation was established in 2000 by Larry and Marilyn Cohen, in their daughter Naomi’s memory. It joined with The Chicago School in 2008 to form the Naomi Ruth Cohen Institute for Mental Health Education (NRCI) at The Chicago School. NRCI works to reduce the stigma often associated with mental illness and suicide through conferences, workshops, and educational outreach to mental health professionals and the community.