About the Conference
The Naomi Ruth Cohen Institute for Mental Health Education (NRCI) requires parent/guardian permission for youth aged 14 to 17 to attend this event. By signing this form:
- You give permission for your child aged 14-17 years old to attend and take part in the NRCI Conference on Sunday, June 12, 2022, at Evanston Township High School
- You agree that you have reviewed, understand, and agree with all the information
outlined in this Consent for Participation Form
Privacy Policies
You understand and agree that:
- Mental health professionals will be at the conference and may talk with your child about conference topics
- Any discussions your child has with NRCI and its facilitators are private and confidential, except when professionals suspect child or elder abuse or that a child may want to hurt themself or others
- The conference team may call the emergency contact that you provide if a medical or mental health emergency happens
Photo and Video Policies
You understand and agree that:
- NRCI/The Chicago School of Professional Psychology (TCSPP) and media representatives may photograph, video record, and/or livestream the presentation panel and conference activities
- You give permission to allow your child’s image in group photos and video for use in NRCI/TCSPP in publications, on the NRCI and/or TCSPP websites, and in promotional materials
- You have no claims against NRCI/TCSPP regarding copyright, property ownership, or publication of these images, including claims for payment for use of images
Please note: Conference representatives will not take any close-up photos of youth under the age of 18. They will also not identify any youth by name in materials.
COVID-19 Policies
The event will follow relevant federal, state, and local guidance around COVID-19. You understand and agree that:
- To attend the event, all NRCI conference attendees, including your child, must provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 (completed at least 14 days before the event) OR a negative PCR test taken no more than 72 hours before the event
- Your child will be expected to follow any on-site health and safety requirements before and during the event, which may include using hand sanitizer, wearing face coverings, and social distancing. If they refuse they may be required to leave.
- You assume all risks and accept all responsibility for any injury or effects you or your child may experience or have happen related to attending this event, including exposure to or infection of COVID-19
Proof of vaccination may include an official COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card, photo of one’s Vaccination Record Card, or scannable QR code. NRCI strongly encourages attendees to receive a COVID-19 booster, if eligible.
Please note: You agree that you will not allow your child to attend the conference if they are experiencing (or have experienced within 5 days before the conference) COVID-19 symptoms OR if you think that they may have been exposed to a confirmed or possible case of COVID-19 in that time OR they have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 10 days.